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5 Common Mindset Mistakes When Creating Change

Ever found yourself facing the same struggles when trying to create sustainable and lasting change? Here are the main mindset mistakes made when creating change and what you can do instead...


1. Being in a rush - placing unrealistic expectations on yourself is only going to set you up for failure. Try setting a longer period for hitting your goals and be kind!

2. Being too critical - if you’re constantly looking for reasons for why you’re not going to succeed, then guess what, you’re not likely to succeed. Try focus on the positives! What is going right?

3. Fear of failure - if you’re always waiting for the ‘perfect’ time to start then you’re going to be waiting a long time. Feel the fear and do it anyway, what happens if you don’t fail? And even if you do, there are loads of lessons to be learnt so that you don’t fail next time. Growth happens OUTSIDE your comfort zone.

4. Only focusing on results - if you’re only fixated on experiencing one form of validation then you might be in for disappointment as sometimes change takes longer than anticipated. Look for multiple signs that your efforts are paying off. Look for the benefits of your efforts in multiple areas of your life, NOT just one. Acknowledging your efforts is a good place to start!

5. Not being your bestie - this is actually a biggie!! I see soooo many people struggle with this and want to quit before they’ve even really tried, because they do not believe in themselves. You will cheer for your friends, but not for yourself?! Start there!


What mistakes have you made when creating change? Reflect.  💜

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