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Sleep Hygiene Tips You Need For A Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep hygiene tips

I want to remind you about the importance of sleep. You need to make sure you get a minimum of 6 hours a night, ideally 8 hours of sleep is optimal for our mind and body.

A few examples of how sleep effects our mind and body: Better brain function, e.g. memory; keep you emotions in check, if you are tired, certain emotions are likely to be heightened; reduces your risk of diseases and helps you manage your weight.

You wouldn't expect a phone to work without charge, or a car to run with no fuel, so you shouldn't expect your mind & body to function without enough sleep.  ⁠

Here are my top 3 tips for a better night's sleep:

1. Avoid screen time before going to bed. Screen time keeps your mind active - self explanatory this isn’t good for bedtime⁠. Instead, try and get a least 30 minutes of no screen time before going to bed.

2. Avoid caffeine in the run up to bed time. We all know this has the opposite effect of winding down!⁠ Instead, simple H2O is the best choice of bedtime beverage, which brings me to my next tip...

3. Make sure you are hydrated before bed. Drinking water before bed helps regulate your body temperature and can help the body rid itself of unwanted toxins.⁠ It can also help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Bonus: you can still drink it after you've brushed your teeth, unlike caffeine or sugary juice!⁠


What changes do you think you could make to your bedtime routine? Reflect.  💜

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