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The Power of Consistency: How to Stay On Track

the power of consistency: how to stay on track

Consistency is often the secret ingredient behind success and hitting your goals, whether in your personal or professional life. It's the steady and persistent effort that helps you reach your goals, improve your skills, and create lasting habits. Consistency is key to progress and improvement in various aspects of life, including health, fitness, career, relationships, and personal development.

In this blog post we’ll talk about what I’ve noticed about consistency and planning that I think will be of value to you! 🙂

The number one secret to keeping consistent is accountability and planning. As we know, consistency is the key to progress and sustainability. So if you're someone like me who struggles with staying consistent, then having some accountability and implementing good planning is really effective! That's why I love teaching my own classes as it helps me not only show up to class and teach, and prioritise myself in my schedule, but also it's a sure way to get in two workouts a week!

When I started training I jumped around between a lot of different classes, this meant that I wasn't able to see consistent progress, so the benefit of going to the same class weekly means that you follow a very similar structure and your trainer gets to know you and help guide you with more appropriate progressions for your strength gains.

It is hugely rewarding, yet also can be very challenging. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth working on your consistency and planning…

Achieving Goals: Consistency helps you make gradual progress towards your goals. It's the small, regular actions that add up over time to create significant results.

Building Habits: Consistency is how habits are formed. Repeated actions wire your brain to automate behaviors, making it easier to maintain them.

Growth and Improvement: Consistent effort allows for ongoing growth and improvement. Whether you're learning a new skill or working towards a promotion, steady progress is key.

Reliability: Being consistent in your commitments and actions builds trust with yourself and others. People rely on you because they know you'll follow through, you can also rely on yourself! This can be a great boost for your self confidence.

So now to help you overcome the challenging part…

Here are some other ways that you can stay accountable and get consistent:

1. A workout buddy or gym partner - there's nothing better than having a hype buddy for a workout!

2. Going to a class - studies have shown that we workout best when in a group, there's nothing like a little bit of peer pressure to push you further...

3. Investing in a coach - working with someone who has experience and expertise in the field not only helps guide you but also gives you tailored advice to suit your goals and lifestyle.

4. Setting reminders for yourself - planning and taking the time to schedule in your workouts (with reminders) not only helps you remember to do the workout, but also helps you plan your schedule around your movement.

5. Rewarding yourself along the way - I'm a big fan of acknowledging all positive actions, especially when it comes to exercise and forming new habits. Done a workout twice a week for a month? Buy a new pair of leggings - hell yes!

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